Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Lou is in Florence!

Hello everyone! Quick update on Florence:
We arrived alright and the city is great! Lots to see, small walking distance. We toured the city yesterday and today we saw the David. Oh my it is amazing! Tomorrow we are going to another art gallery then heading across the river to some supposedly gorgeous parks to watch the sunset. Hopefully it's good weather tomorrow, the bad weather kind of followed us because it poured today/was cloudy for the most part of the day. I had to buy a 2 euro umbrella cause I lost mine in Germany and I didn't think I'd need another one, and I was wrong! After the first downpour one of the spokes broke off the fabric. So it still works, but darn that cheap umbrella! After tomorrow we're off to Roma! Sorry this update is so short, but the internet is quite expensive here. I'll say more about Florence when I get home, which isn't too much longer! Love you and miss you all! :)

Me and Em, obviously not ready for the picture

Beautiful sunset in Florence!


Pretty awesome chapel in Florence. It's so big!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've encountered as much rain as we have in Logan - sorry! We watched the movie "When in Rome" last night and loved it. You will have to see the famous love fountain while you are there! I am not sure when you will get on the computer again, so I will wish you Happy Birthday now even though it's not until Monday. Have a great one! Wow a birthday in Rome - how could it not be great! I LOVE YOU!
