Friday, June 11, 2010

The Lou is not partial to any country.

Oh yeah! World cup time! I figured I should get into while I'm in Europe. Who is everyone cheering for?

Not that I'm totally indecisive, but I think I'll be cheering for Italy in Italy, Spain in Spain, and France in France. Otherwise my safety would be in danger...
But I think the U.S. actually have a shot this year! Britain is the only other tough team in our region/conference. Let's go U.S. of A!


  1. Will you be getting online in Italy? I hope so, I can't wait to hear what you think of it! My advice - get out into the small Italian towns. We never did but I think it would be great to see.

  2. Hope you are enjoying Italy! Smart idea to cheer for the country you are in! Travel safe! Love ya - Mom

    Go USA!
