Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Lou is in Roma!

I CANNOT believe I am Rome! I feel as though I am in a dream! If you were to ask me my whole life where I would most want to visit in the entire world, it would have always been Rome, or Athens. But I'm in Rome! AHHHHHHHH!
But yes, enough of the mini freak-out. We left Florence yesterday morning (and with our luck) it was DOWNPOURING when we had to lug all of our stuff to the train station to catch a train at 6:30 in the morning. Needless to say, that day walking around Rome was quite a long one. Our hostel is great, and we even have 30 minutes of free internet a day! So I may be doing more than one blog post while I'm here. So far, yesterday and today, I've seen the Colosseum midday and at night, the forum, the Arch of Constantine, and the Arch of Titus, the Piazza Navona, the steps in Roman Holiday (can't think of the name at the moment) and lots of palaces and fountains and bridges and TONS of Roman statues. Holy cow, everything is so amazing here, I am in heaven on earth! Tomorrow is my birthday, and tomorrow we are going to Vatican city during the day, and watching the sun set at the Trevi Fountain, and then going out to eat a good meal in celebration :) It will be a fabulous day! It has been rainy, it rained a bit yesterday, and it thunderstormed today, especially this morning! We tried to make it to church, but we got as far as one metro stop away, but then when we went to exchange lines, we found out that trains don't go to that stop on sunday, except once every hour. It was about 11 around that time, and sacrament meeting started at 11:20 and the train would have come at 11:45. I was all for walking but then it started POURING, so we didn't go :( Bummer. We'll have to plan better if we want to go to church in Paris. Well, that's all for now, I will write more and hopefully post pictures next post (of Rome so far, and probably some from Florence) Ciao!

Me and the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine! Blurry picture, but don't worry, I've got more

Only in Rome will you find a random broken ancient column jutting out of the ground- I love it.

Pretty pretty flowers...

Arch of Constantine, again- but I still love it just as much!

Inside the Colosseum! When I first walked in I could hear a chorus of angels singing!... Or maybe that was just my imagination


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wow a birthday in Rome - it doesn't get better than that! Sounds like you have a fun day planned! Score on the internet! Love ya and miss ya!

  2. Jordan says to go check out the Temple site! So sorry about the weather. There was this amazing restaurant we went to that had all you can eat buffet for like 10 euro. We didn't do the buffet but it looked AMAZING! I can't wait to hear what you did and how everything went.

  3. Happy birthday! Yeah, you should check out the temple site but it's outside the city so it would either cost a lot (taxi) or take a long time (bus) so maybe not. This is the hostel we stayed at are you close by? The buffet place rach was talking about is across the street from that hostel. Can't wait to see pics!

  4. I LOVE the pics! I am so glad that you are in them because they mean so much more that way. You look great! Can't wait for you to get home and see and hear about it all! According to the schedule you left, you should be in Barcelona now and then on to Paris. Have fun - BE CAREFUL!

  5. Even better with pics. Thanks! Still very jealous that you are there.....
