Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Lou is in Venice!

Bonjourno everyone!
Today is our last day in Venice, and it has been GORGEOUS! Surprisingly, its been rainy lately. The first day we wandered around mostly, and it started out sunny, but then we got caught in a downpour. It was so much fun because it was a warm rain, so we went puddle jumping! Our hostel is beautiful, looking out over the canal, and its got nice beds, our own bathroom and everything. The canal here is amazing! All the colors of the city with boats going every which way on the canal is literally picture perfect. Ive been taking lots of pictures! The second day was the only sunny day, and we walked to St. Marks Cathedral, which I learned about in Art History, so it was exciting to visit there. Today we went to some Islands, but unfortunately it has been rainy and cold all day, so we havent been too enthusiastic to walk around. Instead we tried to take the bus/boats to where we wanted to go, and wound up getting on wrong boats at every stop. We ended up going to the same 2 stops 6 times! We were probably on a boat for at least 4 hours today. It was quite frustrating!
Tomorrow we leave for Florence, and I will make a post there and add pictures. Sorry I couldnt attach any to this post but I forgot my camera cord at the hostel. I will write more there! Ciao!

Wow. This post was all over the place. Sorry about that as well.

These are the only pictures they would let me upload, bad connection or something. Not the best ones, but still, pictures?


  1. Lucky Lucky you!!! We loved Venice but Florence was our favorite so I can't wait to hear what you think of it. The colors in Venice are amazing though. I remember just loving looking down the tiny canals and seeing the flowers draping over the window boxes. How fun!!!!

  2. Wow, can't wait to see the pictures!!!

  3. Sounds like a crazy day on the boats! I'll bet it is beautiful - the pictures will be amazing. I'm glad the hostel is a nice one! Enjoy!

  4. I'm still in Venice. We were supposed to leave this morning at 10:30, perfect timing after we checked out of the hostel at 10. We dragged our luggage in the rain over a bridge and walked a ways to the train station only to find out our train actually leaves at 1:20. Nicole was told by some guy in our hostel named Morris that the train to Firenze leaves every hour on the half hour, so he was wrong. We didn't want to pay 4 euro to store our luggage so we had to drag our luggage back through the rain, over the bridge, back to the hostel to store in for free. We have 2 more hours or so, so I figured I could update this post, with pictures! Hurray!

  5. Hi Lou! We're back from Michael's graduation in Seattle so I can comment on your blog again. The hotel charged for internet and I wasn't in the mood to pay for it. Truthfully, it was kind of nice being disconnected from the world if even for a day. It looks like you're having a great time but we can't wait to have you come home. Love you!!!
