Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello Everyone! I'm still alive! So yesterday we did a huge tour of the city and tried to hit every spot of interest in one day, including H&M:) (Mom, remember that birthday money I supposedly get? Yeah, it is no more.) We went to tons of different churches (all of them are beautiful! Why don't we have a million cool buildings in each city in the US??) and lots of monuments. Today we went out into the country to a little church called Rosslyn church (Beautiful interior, but they don't allow pictures, so I sketched instead, it turned out great!), then came back in the city and spent about 2 hours at the Edinburgh castle (It's so big you could easily get lost/seperated in it! Which may or may not have happened with me and the other girls... But don't worry, we eventually found each other an hour and a half later.) Both of those buildings are my favorites in Edinburgh, they are amazing! Tomorrow we leave for Inverness bright and early by train. We were debating leaving, apparently the volcano erupted again some, so we weren't sure if we'd be stranded there or not because we leave Inverness by plane, but we'll find out when get there! :)

So there are some things I've noticed about Edinburgh since I've been here...

1. The prevailing fashion trend among girls is leggings and a t-shirt (No pants or shorts.) Don't worry Megan, I will not come home dressed like this.

2. People hired to help tourists (hostel workers, bus drivers, etc...) are very grouchy! The old people around here are a million times nicer.

3. It is socially acceptable to wear crazy outfits/wigs and proceed to sing and yell very loudly in the middle of the street if it relates to rugby.

4. EVERYTHING closes after 6 pm. EVERYONE goes to bars after 6 pm.

5. No sales tax is a glorious, glorious thing.

6. All dates are day/month/year, which is throwing me off alot... Simple observation, lots of confusion.

7. And lastly, the bus system here is amazing! Very few people drive because the bus system is so convenient (lots of stations + lots of buses = frequent stops) and it is very easy to get around the city. I love it!

So yes, Scotland is quite different but I love it! I would post pictures, but unfortunately, no way to upload them. Maybe once I get to Dusseldorf this sunday someone will have something, if not, this monday I will buy something (it will be cheaper than sending something in the mail I'm pretty sure). So until then, see ya!


  1. What an adventure you are having! Birthday money? Hahaha! Sounds like you hit the jackpot at H&M. It will be fun to see photos when you can send them. I don't think a USB cable would cost you very much. It is definitely cheaper than me sending you one like Megan suggested! Hope you are able to get out of Inverness! Sounds like it might be another train ride - a long one to London. Take care and thanks for the update! Love ya!

  2. Jordan and RachelMay 4, 2010 at 1:08 PM

    We want more posts!!!

  3. It would only be $9 to send you a cable (since we already own one the only cost would be shipping). If it's going to cost you much more than that to buy one then mom might as well send you the one at home. Oh, and thank you for promising not to come home in the latest Euro fashions.

  4. If you fly into the Dusseldorf airport I thought is was really cool especially in the main terminal. I flew in and out of there a couple of times 2 years ago. Enjoy! - Steve F.
