Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Lou is by the Loch Ness! (Sounds gross.)

Hello from Inverness! We arrived here by train this morning around noon. The train ride was absolutely fabulous! An englishman was sitting by us and was quite talkative the whole 3 hours, but it was interesting nonetheless. So as soon as we got here we found a cute little cafe (with cheap food!) and I had the best sandwich I've ever had, only for about 3 pounds! Then after that we found a tour to take us around the Loch Ness and to the Urquahart Castle, and that was AH-MAZING!! My favorite part of the trip so far (I've got some great photos too!) Then we went back to the cute cafe (called 'Yum!') and got some smoothies for about 2 pounds which were excellent! And the lady running the cafe was so cute bringing us small samples of food and telling us all about each one (Get this, I tried pigs blood and cow tongue! I found this out only after I had eaten it) But I love that little cafe! At this point I was thinking Inverness was like heaven on earth!... then we got to our hostel. Uhm, yikes. Now mom, I'm not saying my life is in danger, but, to anyone who is reading this, please pray for us. It's very close to the bus station which is super nice, about a minutes walk. But to get to the station you have to go down an alleyway with a bar and a nightclub to one side and a covered empty parking lot to another. We took one trip down that alley in broad daylight and decided we never will go down that again. So we'll take the extra 3 minute walk around the block to get to the bus station. The hostel itself is even a bit weird. The person at the reception desk told us when we were checking in "Here is your bed sheets (which I don't think have been washed in a while...) and our lounge is open 24/7. We don't care if you drink, sing, play the piano all night, we don't care." And not to be racist but the people running the hotel are indian, so the whole place smells of 'indian food and cat piss' (Jenny's words, not mine) So yeah, we are going to sleep (hopefully) and get out of here as soon as possible in the morning and just travel around the city until our flight leaves later in the day. All would be good but even the city is creepy. EVERYONE smokes here and everyone gives you the shifty eye and watches wherever we go. The main streets aren't very populated either, there aren't too many tourists. So it's just a very creepy city... It's a good thing we're only staying here for one day! Well, that's it for now, I will write when I get to London!


  1. So I do hope that you make it out of Inverness safely (for many reasons)! Hey check your aggiemail occasionally and I will send you more lengthy updates. You are definitely seeing what the rest of the world is like - makes you appreciate good ole Cache Valley! Love ya!

  2. Hi Aunt Lauren! Please be careful! I love you! Tell Nessy hi for me!
    Love, James

  3. Have fun and be safe! Let us know when you are in London!

  4. Jordan and RachelMay 5, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    We want more posts!!!

  5. Jordan and Rachel - you are sooooooo creative in the comments you post! Hahahaha

  6. ARE YOU ALIVE? Where are you! Did you make it to London okay?

  7. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm am extremely nervous about not hearing from you! Were you able to fly to London? I was picking up your art stuff today and visited with a guy that was picking up his wife's paintings. He said that she is in London and is going to Essen also. I found your big painting and took it home. He was taking his wife's big painting home also, and he said that she is going to shred hers because she hates hers. Funny huh!
    Well let us know you are OK asap. Love ya!
