Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh, hi, hello. Sorry about that.

Sorry about the scary post last time, my life was not in danger I was just overreacting. Though the hostel was pretty suckish. But I made it out okay and I am now in London! (I got here last night but unfortunately to use the computers here at the hostel it costs money. I'm using someone else's right now and I don't think they're too keen on me using it, so I'll write more when I get to Germany this sunday!)
Sorry again for making anyone worried!
Oh, and Mom, if you could please send the cord that would be lovely. Here is the address where I will be staying:

Lauren Howell
Westfalenstr. 311, 45276 Essen

Uh, I'm not exactly sure if that's the correct format, but that's all the information I've got. I'll write more later, so, Cheerio!


  1. Jordan and RachelMay 7, 2010 at 10:04 PM

    Nos queremos mais mensagens!!!

  2. Glad to know you made it! I will send the cord after Robert helps me know which one I need! We could not find it last time we looked! I may need to go and buy another one. But I will do my best to get if off right away. Hopefully your hostel in London is a better experience! Thanks for writing - Love ya!
