Monday, May 10, 2010

The Lou is in Deutschland!

Hello from Germany!
I arrived in Essen last night safe and sound. Here are some quick updates because I've almost reached the 1 hour internet limit at the internet cafe I'm at:
1. It is so nice to be able to unpack and not live out of a suitcase!
2. The house we are staying at is lovely, and I can sit on the roof outside my room! Fun!
3. I already know how to count to 10 in German, and order an ice cream scoop!
4. The city we are in is called Essen-Steele, a small part of Essen.
5. To give someone money at a store you put it in a tray and they take the money and put your change back in the tray. This is because they don't like to touch other people.
6. German keyboards are very weird! The 'Z' key is where the 'Y' key is supposed to be and vice versa! I have yet to locate the @ symbol on the keyboard, and the enter key is cut in half to make way for these keys: Ö & Ä. Whatever.
7. Classes start today when the professor gets in at 2, and we're just taking a tour of the city for the first day.

Sorry for the short update! I will write more another day. Love zou all!


  1. I tried to post a comment on your last blog and wasn't able to. You were crazy to not have taken a photo. That was one of those once in a lifetime opportunities! Oh well! We all miss you - especially me and Annie! I'm glad the place you are staying is nice. Don't fall off the roof! Love zou too!

  2. Lauren, I am so excited for you. Hearing all your adventures reminds me of ours and I miss Europe so much. You are so lucky to be there. Enjoy every minute and be safe. We cant wait to see you when you get back. Love Ya--Rachel

  3. I want to hear more about Annie! Is she eating okay? Losing weight because of her diet? Does she seem sad at all? Does she love having the whole bed to herself? I miss her! Give her a bink for me, and Mom, please please please don't be mean to my baby!!

  4. Steve Felt said - Lauren.... Doesn't sound like you were able to swing a visit to McKay in London. I was hoping to hear some McKay news. Have a great time!

  5. It sounds so quaint there! I am going to go google the city right now. Be careful and have fun!

  6. Steve, I wish I could have seen him! I was there so briefly, and I didn't know how to contact him, or figure out where he was (I wish I would have figured this out before I left) I also flew into the Dusseldorf airport. We arrived in a very small terminal, and before we could get to the main part of the airport we met the group and left. But any airport here in Europe is very cool in my opinion, so...
