Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Lou is in Edinburgh!

I'm alive!! After 12 hours of flying and 3 hours spent at airports, I arrived safely in Edinburgh Scotland and checked into the hostel without a problem. We're all a bit tired (considering it's 6:47 am there and we haven't slept a full nights sleep since yesterday morning at 6. And the day's not over yet!) but we need to stay awake so we can sleep tonight. The city is gorgeous! Everything is so green, the accents are awesome (but a bit difficult to understand), and the architecture is amazing! I've already taken lots of photos but forgot that the computer at the hostel doesn't have a place to upload photos off a memory card... Whoops! So I guess there won't be photos till I find an internet cafe with a photo upload option...
We're off to explore more of the city! Just wanted everyone to know (especially my family) that I'm alive and well and will post more tomorrow!


  1. Jordan and RachelMay 3, 2010 at 7:34 PM

    We want more posts!!!

  2. For my souvenir i would like a European man. K thanks. (:

  3. Yeah - you made it safely! Sounds way exciting! I hope you took a USB cable to send photos; I didn't even think of that! Have fun and be safe! Love ya!

  4. I'm so glad you're safe! Let me know if you need me to send a USB cable to you so you can upload photos. Actually, let's let mom send it to you. :) I'm glad you're alive and safe. Have a great time! (PS Michael would like you to return home with an accent. Oh, and I can't update your blog because I don't know your password. Email it to me if you want me to change the layout around.) Love you!!!
