Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Lou is in London!

Hello mates! I am currently in London sitting at the airport waiting for my flight, using a (seemingly) free computer... Anyway! For the past two days I've been all over London. We arrived late Thursday night and immediately went to the hostel. It was a very nice hostel! The showers were actually hot, though we had to keep pushing a button every 3 seconds so the water would stay on... but no other complaints! Friday we woke up bright and early and bought tickets for a Big Bus Tour. It was freezing cold sitting on the top, and we only went past a few sites before we got off at Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guards. The pass we bought was an all day bus pass, unfortunately we walked to most everything so it was a huge waste of money. Gr. But after Buckingham we went to the Victoria & Albert Museum. It was full of cool statues from Italy, early Europe, Asia, etc... A lot of them were replicas and casting, which kind of sucked, but we'll be seeing the real ones soon in Rome! :) So that museum was free. After that we walked through Hyde Park/Kensington Palace Gardens. It was SO SO beautiful there. It is the park that is in Finding Neverland. It is gorgeous, and we spent about 3 and half hours there. Sketching/watching birds at the ponds/walking around/visiting the Peter Pan statue, really there is a lot to do there. After that we went to Kensington Palace, then H&M, and back to the hostel. Friday morning we went to a Market along Portobello Road (road near where Nottinghill was filmed) and the market was so much fun! All sorts of shops, pastry stands, fruit stands, lots of stuff! I bought some cool things :) Can't wait to show you when I get home! Yes Megan, we went to the Travel Bookshop that was in the movie. So that took up the whole morning. After that we went to Big Ben/Westminster Abbey, and we went inside Westminster. It was gorgeous, well worth the money, but no pictures were allowed :( I've got a funny story from there: I was sketching William Shakespeare's statue in the Poets Corner when a tour group came by and the guide was talking about his statue. As he was passing by me to leave the tour guide was like "And here is someone sketching the statue- very nice drawing." So because he said that, every person in the group proceeding to come look at my drawing, and I had to say about a million thank-you's to everyone because they all complimented my drawing. We were leaving before I could finish my drawing and this worker at the abbey was like "You can stay for another hour and finish!" and I said "Oh but my friends are leaving" he said "Oh then take a picture and finish later!" I said "But pictures aren't allowed" he said "Oh I'll allow it" But I didn't end up taking the opportunity, I felt kind of silly. But I wish I had! Danggit. So after the abbey we were getting pretty tired so we skipped St. Paul's and the Tower Bridge and such, but we had to go to H&M to do some returns, then to the hostel! We did laundry last night and left this morning at 6!
Well now they are telling me that we are boarding! (Good timing.) So I will talk to all of you later!

Oh and Mom:
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! :) :) :) I Love you!!


  1. 1) You are a dork for not taking a photo.
    2) You are awesome for visiting the travel bookshop.

    So all in all they cancel each other out. Glad you are having a good time. Love you and miss you!

    And now a message from James... 154ijnbfuhjgfynmbn nbnbj (he actually used his fingers to type that).

  2. That reminds me. I want updates about the following!
    1) James
    2) Annie
    3) The fam
    4) Any other US news
